Vorsselmans gevelbouw Rijnstraat
Vorsselmans gevelbouw Rijnstraat

Rijnstraat 8

To meet the demands of the new way of working and the current standards for sustainability and security, the building on Rijnstraat 8 in The Hague, The Netherlands (the former building of the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment) needs to be thoroughly renovated.


Building type Public
Location Den Haag
Architect OMA
Contractor PoortCentraal

Quality and sustainability

Over 6,000 users

The renewed Rijnstraat 8 is part of the new Masterplan for office accommodation in The Hague, The Netherlands. This plan focuses on an efficient and effective government and approaches government offices in a new way. Rijnstraat 8 will be a flexible office. It will not be specifically renovated for one government service, but suitable for several organisations. In total there will be a working space for 4,400 employees and for more than 6.000 users.

Quality and sustainability

The changes to Rijnstraat 8 focus on two aspects: changing the exterior to improve the quality and on making the building more sustainable. For the energy supply and climate control we used the latest sustainable technologies and materials.

Vorsselmans gevelbouw Rijnstraat

VGV Façades

This project was realised by VGV Façades.

A modernised working environment

The architectural firm OMA developed an integral concept in collaboration with the original architect Jan Hoogstad. The strength of the design is the amplification of existing architectonic qualities. For example, the existing building is transformed into a modern and comfortable working environment that is in close contact with its surroundings. The plinth of the building will be transparant. Public passages will get a new dimension and the building will once again be connected to the city.

Vorsselmans gevelbouw Rijnstraat

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