Vorsselmans gevelbouw Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda
Vorsselmans gevelbouw Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda

Some of our sustainable and innovative window and façade solutions in healthcare facilities.

Why Vorsselmans?


‘Craftsmanship that lasts a lifetime’ is something we live by. We take care of a high-quality project by collaborating with other renowned construction partners and you, as a client, so you can take care of your patients.

Furthermore, we choose sustainable materials that will last and reduce our carbon footprint. That’s why many of the materials we use are cradle to cradle.  

And last, but not least: our façades are easy to take care of, so you can focus on taking care of what (or who) really matters. 


The perfect team for the job

We have the right experts to successfully complete your healthcare project. With loads of experience in the healthcare construction industry, they know how to tackle any window, door or façade project, no matter how challenging. And we’ll do that by working together, but also by working with you as a client and other construction parties like architects or builders.

Taking care of your every need

Service & maintenance

Even after completion, we’ll take care of you. With a Vorsselmans maintenance contract, you don’t need to worry about keeping your project in top shape. We’ll make sure your hardware, seals and surface treatments are of the highest quality and we keep an eye on them so you don’t have to.

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