Vorsselmans team montage aluminium ramen en deuren gevels
Vorsselmans team montage aluminium ramen en deuren gevels
About us

Safety first, always!

We care a lot about our employees’ well-being.

That’s why we ensure that all our colleagues can do their jobs in the best conditions and can return home, safe and sound, in the evenings.

Together, we work on a safe work environment by exhibiting conscious safety behaviour.


Safety Culture ladder

Because of the constantly changing circumstances on our sites, we need to keep an eye on our own safety and our colleagues’ safety. A well-organised workplace or site takes vigilance. That’s why we care a lot about a tidy and clean workplace, but also overall security, PBMs, good equipment, the right mindset and the right approach should lead to an accident-free workplace.

Since 2021, Vorsselmans has been working with the Safety Culture ladder. With this tool, we can objectively measure our safety, which gives us insight into how we can do better. Since 2022, we reached the 3rd step as an organisation (and received a certificate).


Safety mascot

Stan Vorsselmans

Our campaign for well-being is spearheaded by Stan, the founder of Vorsselmans. Stan is quite popular in our organisation, so we were happy to make him the mascot of this campaign. With our prevention advisor, he kicked off the campaign by visiting our sites and listening to the presentations.

Safety matters, but so do sustainability & high-quality work Wouter De Meyer, Prevention advisor

At Vorsselmans, we care about safety. With our motto ‘Safety first, always!’ we will give this mission the extra push it needed. We focus on safety, tidiness, quality, sustainability and the environment.

We’re genuinely proud of our realisations and our people. We aren’t #proudofwhatwedo for nothing! A safe work environment is important, and creating safety awareness among our people contributes to that. Working safely is a mindset that needs to be exuded by the entire organisation.

That’s why our goal is to further develop our culture of safety within Vorsselmans.