Coöperatie Hoogstraten
Eind 2016 werden we gecontacteerd door Gaston Opdekamp, toenmalig directeur van Coöperatie Hoogstraten. Door de groei en de professionalisering van de veiling voldeed de huisvesting voor de kantoormedewerkers niet meer aan de hedendaagse eisen. Vanuit een duidelijk programma werd onderzocht of we de bestaande kantoren zouden verbouwen of er gekozen zou worden voor een herbouw. Rekening houdend met het programma van eisen, nieuwe manieren van werken, duurzaamheid en budget, werd gekozen om de bestaande kantoren te slopen en een nieuwbouw te plaatsen.
An eco-friendly building
To keep the footprint as small as possible, 3 construction layers were built to limit the amount of terrain we used.
The offices were designed in a way that allows the different teams to work together in their own spaces. To be able to work in peace without losing touch with your colleagues.
The ground floor is accentuated in the architecture by the presence of a plinth that carries the building. This plinth ensures that the building is experienced as a whole from various distances. When you come closer to the office, you get pulled in by the canopy, which showcases the entrance. The exterior pavement continues from outside to inside via an interior street that links the existing buildings to the new building. The greenery around the building breaks up the transition from the car park to the building. This garden also provides some air around the office and can be used by employees as an activity room or as a space to relax.
Solid as a rock
The façade was designed to be a real rock. And the presence of the office on the entire auction site stands out. Honest lines, simple shapes, natural materials and the chosen colour pallet clearly represent the company’s vision. The building was built using the most sustainable and modern techniques, which is part of a balance with the way the auction and business operate.
The entire interior was designed by LV architects. They made sure the overall character of the Cooperation seeps through every aspect of the office building.
Questions? We are happy to help!
Do you have any questions or would you like to visit our showroom? We are happy to help! Please make an appointment by calling the number below or by filling in the contact form.